About Us
The Article Judge Story
We know the Search Engine Optimization and Content Industry
We have been in the SEO industry for years and have always looked to automation to optimize our pipelines. One area that we have yet to optimize is the content creation process – we have always had to either write our own content or pay freelancers to write it for us. Hiring freelance writers are becoming extremely expensive so we have been looking for ways to optimize the content creation process.
There seem to be a decent number of tools out there that claim that they can help SEO companies save time and money by using machine-generated content. However, we did not trust the third party claims about any of the tools. So, we decided to run a series of data-backed tests and comparisons to determine which tool is the best and if that tool is worth using.
Based on all the information we were able to collect and analyze, we were able to make some solid conclusions. So, we decided to create this blog to share our findings so that anyone looking for ways to optimize their SEO content creation processes can have the data to do so.